Top badass Female Characters

After I have done the male Character, I have to continue with the girls of course! No discrimination, here right? This isn’t sorted in any order.

Firstly, Erza from Fairy Tail. Just the fact that she can control Gray and Natsu at once is pretty impressive, but she’s pretty badass as well, especially when she gets serious. Sometimes I get the feeling that she can slaughter an army of freaking Demons in the blink of an eye. If she isn’t badass, who is?

Mikasa from Attack on Titan, oh my god, so badass, I just love her. She is really awesome, has an amazing character and is impressive in general. She is so talented, I wish I could be a bit like her. Showing no emotions (that doesn’t mean not feeling any), and just be badass and kill a horde of Titans like it’s child’s play. I mean, look at the others! They struggle with just one of these Titans, while she doesn’t even have to try. She would be a great rival for Erza, even though they are really different when it comes to Character, while Erza is rather temperamental, Mikasa always keeps a cool head, and she doesn’t have any magical skills, so they have their differences.

Yuno, from Mirai Nikki, she’s just mad. So crazy, twisted, and brutal, but really badass as well. Her two sides, the brutal Yuno, and the Yukki loving one are awfully controversial, but yet they get along so well, they sometimes tangle up and she becomes a twisted brutal, but yet caring Character, and that’s so crazy, don’t you think? That two sides, that are so different, mix up and just blow your mind. Mirai Nikki in general blew my mind. I already talked about the ending in another blog, but I have to say it again. The ending was so touching, and it was the best ending you could’ve done in this Anime. I am a great fan of Mirai Nikki, I really recommend this Anime, it’s well made, but if you don’t like blood, I suggest you better keep your hands away from this one in the end.

I’m sorry, everyone, that are all the characters that come to mind when I think about female badass People. I have lots and lots of female Characters I find so awesome, but there are less badass ones, that’s sort of more something that is typically one of the boy’s characteristics in Animes. Inori (Guilty Crown), Shiro (No Game No Life), Mei (Another), they are all really awesome Characters, but not the ones I would go: Oh my god, they are so freaking badass, I want to die.
I will probably write a blog about awesome female Characters, but this is the badass Character list, so suggest a few Characters that I can add into the list in the comments if you want to!

Thanks for reading!


The most badass male Characters

This is another topic which is very broad, because I like watching epic Animes, and epic Animes usually have badass Characters. And it is really hard to decide who is going to be on this list and who won’t be, so don’t blame me if your favorite Character isn’t on this list! This isn’t in any order, just so that you know.

Okay, Shu from Guilty Crown is pretty badass. From being a crybaby in the beginning becoming a Character badass enough to be on this list is sort of amazing. He is a very unique Character, and all of his strengths and weaknesses are being displayed really nicely, and it makes Shu even more epic when you know his weaknesses and how he handles them, plus just being… so badass. Honestly, every time he draws the sword out of Inori, I grin like an idiot.

I feel like I repeat myself in every Blog, in every single freaking blog Tokyo Ghoul pops up. It’s like a curse! But Tokyo Ghoul just has so many awesome aspects, I am just dazzled by this masterpiece… If I’d be allowed to recommend only one Anime to all of you, it would be Tokyo Ghoul. But you might not find it so amazing if you’re still a beginner regarding Anime, I wouldn’t know, it’s just an assumption. However, I think Kaneki an Nishiki are really amazing, but as I’ve already talked about Kaneki so much, let’s talk about Nishiki. I love his Character, his attitude and his role in the Anime. His sharp tongue and his lone wolf attitude is probably what I like most about him. Even though acting like a lone wolf, he still hast Kimi, and cherishes her, it is really controversial to his independent and distrusting Character, and that’s what’s cool about this relationship. He’s a great Character, and pretty badass considering his way of thinking and handling things. Not as badass as good ol’ Kaneki, but still pretty cool.

This had to happen, Natsu had to be on this list, even though I’ve already talked about him. I talked about his funny and amusing side, now, let’s just focus on his badassiness (yes, that is a word now). Natsu does everything for his friends, he protects and fights for them, and when he does, he is pretty determined. His fighting spirit is really astonishing and just impresses you every time. He is really simple minded, but still awesome.

Reisi, the blue King from K, is really amazing. He always keeps a cool head, thinks rationally and acts logically, not emotionally. His rather polite way of talking reflects his character perfectly, he is the perfect Blue King, and if he dies in Season two, then I am going on a rampage. He is too awesome to die. Fushimi is pretty awesome as well I guess, he is cool, but not as badass as the Blue King.

Sebastian from Black Butler is the most badass Butler EVER. I mean, he freaking fights with forks and tableknifes, and wins every time, how can he not be badass? And he’s really cool, I love his Character, and he is the best butler you can imagine. I mean, he is one hell of a butler, if you know what I mean. 😉

Hei from Darker than Black is so freaking cool. His Character, Story, Nature, Weapons, Epicness. They all combine to a perfect fragrance of awesomeness. Breathe in this fragrance, hold your breath and breathe it out, and you shall fall in love with this Character. I was really disappointed at the start of Season two, he looked like some homeless guy, but then… he became sexy again. And I literally hat to grin when he shaved off his beard and cut his hair, because his hobo look did not fit him at all (no offense). One of the best Animes I’ve seen this year.

This blog is getting long, so here are other acknowledgments of really badass people, who sadly didn’t make it on the list, even though they are totally badass, and I would’ve loved to add them.

Sora (No Game No Life), Rentaro (Black Bullet), Yato (Noragami), Rin (Ao no Exorcist), Adlet (Rokka no Yuusha), Levi (Attack on Titan), Yuu (Charlotte), Fushimi (K), Yukki (Mirai Nikki), Kid (Soul Eater), Kirito (SAO), Koro Sensei (Assasination Classroom) (Is he even male? Well, at least he’s not female, that’s for sure)

Yes, I know there are a lot of badass Characters…. I’d even do a second edition of this if you want to.

Thanks for reading!
