Dance with Devils – Review so far

Where is the grimoire? Yes, the forbidden grimoire. No one has ever seen it. Whoever holds the it rules the world and more.
Ritsuka, a completely normal highschool girl, once returns home after school, and the house is completely wasted. As it seems, some freaky vampires kidnapped her mother, and trashed their house. She is despaired, she doesn’t know where her mother is, and that’s when Rem comes to the rescue! Rem is the Student Council President, and he tries to help her to find her mother, but as it turns out, it’s just an act. He is a demon trying to get a hold of the grimoire, and he is certain that Ritsuka knows where it is. The best thing is; she didn’t even know that demons exist, and she doesn’t know anything about any grimoire. And Rem isn’t the only demon in the student council, there are other three, also trying to get the grimoire before the others do.


Ritsuka is a pretty normal girl, considering her everyday- and school life.
She shows Character when she first meets Rem. She has been called to the student council room, and she tells him that she didn’t do anything and promptly leaves. She seems to be a good natured girl, and she’s always saying what’s on her mind. She is pretty stubborn as well, since she left the house even though her brother didn’t allow her to, and she gets into trouble because of that. So she is a bit naive as well, thinking that her brother kept her at home for no reason.
And she loves dogs as well :3


My first impression of Lindo is that he is one hell of a brother (haha, Black Butler pun… ha.. ha..). He seems to care a freaking lot about Ritsuka, since he sang a song about how much he loves Ritsuka. Well I consider that pretty creepy, and he has a sister complex, but I guess it’s to her benefit…

He seems pretty dutiful as well, since it’s his duty to protect his family, and he does everything in his power to do that. He is a good cook as well, and pretty protective, at least considering Ritsuka. As I’ve said, sister complex…


Rem is sort of… serious. He is pretty much the perfect student council president, always concentrated, attentive and fixated. He never seems to laugh, he’s polite and honest, in a way. I mean, when Ritsuka asks him if she really is just a mere pawn to her, he answers honestly.
He does not seem to particularly care about Ritsuka, but I think that will change ;).


Well, you can already see in the picture that he thinks he’s Romeo or something. I guess he is charming, but I’d rather call him manipulative. He tried his luck with Ritsuka, but she dumped him good time. I’m proud of you, Ritsuka, well done :).


First off, I freaking hate Mage. I hate his attitude, his look and his character. His I am the strongest and cooles guy in the world attitude is so annoying, I want to puke in his ugly face. I mean, his face looks okay! But his hairstyle and the way he wears the clothes is just so awful. Just as awful as his Character. Ew… just ew…


Shiki is a sadistic masochist. Or a masochistic sadist, whatever way you want to put it. He likes to hurt people and to be hurt, and he creeps the crap out of me. Just look at the picture! I swear to god, that’s the face of a pedophile.

My thoughts
I love the way Dance with Devils is sort of a musical. They sing songs from time to time, and I think that makes Dance with Devils different. I actually hate musicals, but I think it’s pretty awesome in this Anime, since they didn’t overdo it with the songs. And most of them are enjoyable, except Lindo’s one, the tune is awful and the text creeps me out.
I really don’t want to be in Ritsukas shoes. I don’t want to be in her shoes whenever she meets one of the devils, it never ends well. Well, it does end well, because Lindo saves her ass, but she would be screwed if Lindo wouldn’t be able to save her.
I like the drawing style, it’s sorta nice, detailed, but not too detailed. The Opening is okay-ish, the ending is cool, in my opinion, at least the song is. It gets stuck in your head easily.
I wonder how the Anime will develop, and I have quite taken it into liking. I found it by coincidence, and I’m happy I did.

What do you think? Do you like it? Or dislike it? Leave a comment!

Thank you!


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