Boku dake ga Inai Machi – Review after 5 Eps

Firstly, I am deeply sorry for not posting anything recently. Some stuff happened, and I didn’t find the time to blog anymore.

But I am back! I may not post anything regularly, but I will not abandon my dearest Anime blog. :3

So, it’s winter 2016, happy very belated new year at this point, and of course this means;
New Anime season!

This time I will be presenting Boku ga Inai Machi to you! So here we go 😀

The Anime revolves around Satoru Fujinuma, a struggling manga author. He has a weird ability to rewind time before some catastrophe happens, and he doesn’t have that ability under control.
So as an example, an accident happens before his eyes. Suddenly he is being placed back in time, about 5 minutes, and he prevents the accident. Everyone happy? Everyone happy.
Now, here’s the thing. There was his girl, Kayo Hinazuki, she was a classmate of his in grade school. Back then, she suddenly disappeared and was found dead after a couple of weeks. After Satoru’s mother was murdered, he was suddenly thrown back into time, not 5 or 10 minutes, noooo…. from adulthood back into his childhood.
To prevent Hinazuki’s death.
And by doing this, he’ll probably even prevent his mother’s death. All of this is linked in a weird way, but everything has yet to be revealed.

As we follow Satoru’s little heroic adventure, we get to know him, Kayo and his fate.

Satoru Fujinuma

Satoru is a very… introverted character. He shows few feelings, and doesn’t talk much. He thinks more than he talks, to be exact. But yet, he is such a sweet lovable character. I just love him, no questions asked!
He’s weirdly cute in his own way, I guess because he tries so hard to save Hinazuki. And just look at his adorable child version!


I just adore the way he is drawn in both versions. Those eyes… those eyes drive me crazy. Okay, not Yato-eyes crazy driving level, but his adult version eyes just look so… indescribably gorgeous.
And in general I love his simplistic, yet recognizable character design. He looks like the ordinary guy, but yet he still has this sense of main characterness, if you know what I mean.
Ahhhh I just love him.

Kayo Hinazuki

As you can already see, she is the straightforward type. Cold on the outside, sweet on the inside. Like a tasty bun. So typical for Anime, yet so original, at least in this case.
Hinazuki suffers under constant physical abuse by her mother, has no friends, is the weird girl in the class. Once again; typical, yet original.
Even before Satoru traveled back in time, he noticed Hinazuki and talked to her a few times. But only after coming back, he really discovers the story behind Hinazuki, and hell, that girl, that little cute thing just tingles my interest. The aura of mystery just makes me want to watch more and more of this well made Anime, but more on that later.

My thoughts
I enjoy this Anime really much. To be frank, the winter season this year is sh*t, but I genuinely enjoy this Anime. No forced 3D graphics, good ol’ Anime how it’s supposed to be. *sips tea* (<– no coffee drinker)
The drawing style of this Anime differs a bit from other drawing styles. Especially the eyes look different, and a head from the side looks quite different as well. Cuter, rounder, smoother I guess.

Do you see what I mean? Other drawing styles are sort of edgier, especially around the nose.

The characters just work so well together. The faking Satoru, the cold Hinazuki… Oh god, and just that interest. That interest is just nibbles my brain away after every question that pops up in my mind. What really happened to Hinazuki? What kind of consequences will saving Hinazuki have? Will there be any lovey-dovey romance between Satoru and Hinazuki?
I like this Anime, and please, I don’t want to get disappointed. Thank you.
In general, I just love the story, the development, the genres, the characters and the whole idea behind this. I can’t help but wonder which route this is going to go down, but this Anime seems like it will have a promising ending.
I just can’t wait for next Thursday, not only a new episode of Boku dake ga Inai Machi, but Ansatsu Kyoushitsu as well! *sips tea again*

So this review all in one:


