Charlotte, a piece of my Mind and DxD

I have just finished watching the first Season of Charlotte, and I am amazed.

Mostly I have to let Animes sink in before I can really tell what I think about them. It was like that with Tokyo Ghoul, for example. After I’ve finished it, I thought it was a good Anime, I enjoyed it, but after several Days when the Anime settled in my mind, I was simply stunned by this masterpiece. This isn’t the only example, it’s like that with almost every Anime I adore, and out of experience, I can tell if the Anime is going to sink into my mind or not, and Charlotte seems like it will claim a space in my brain. It’s hard to describe this feeling, it’s almost as if your mind is being wiped clean while watching towards the end, and when the ‘Fin’ screen appears, your brain starts working again, it is processing the Anime, the end, everything. If you’ve experienced  this feeling a few times, you know that this is the feeling of a good Anime. And I am not talking about the feeling of enjoyment while watching an Anime, thinking ‘Oh, this is good!’ I’m talking about the whole picture, from start to end. I hate to judge anything that’s not finished yet. If it’s a drawing, a story, or anything, I don’t judge it until it’s finished. I fell in love with Noragami immediately, yet, I didn’t judge it until I saw the end of the first Season, because it can always turn out crappy in the end. Or an Anime which was really shit in the beginning, but then turned out nicely (can’t think of an example right now :/). Why am I telling you this? Because it is important to keep on watching. I only stop watching an Anime, if I absolutely hate it, and that’s a rarity. I finish everything to the bitter end if possible. Even if the drawing is crap in the beginning, keep on drawing, finish it, even if the story starts really badly, continue writing it, up until the end. I hate leaving things in mid-air, and sometimes thinking: Maybe I should have finished it, it may have turned out really awesome. I hate this feeling more than anything. Okay, maybe I hate Highschool DxD even more than that (I apologize to all DxD fans, but this Anime is AWFUL!) There’s a good example, DxD. I didn’t like it, it barely has a plot and is all about boobs, but I kept on watching, until I couldn’t stand it anymore after watching the first two Seasons. I just prayed that Ippei would just grow up at some point and realize that the world isn’t all about boobs…
Why am I talking about DxD now? I’ll write a whole blog about DxD some other day, it’s probably the only Anime that absolutely disgusts me (I apologize again).

Back on topic, Charlotte is a really cool Anime, I have little things to complain about. The Graphics are amazing, I like all of the Character Designs, the Music is top, I love how they involved Zhiend into the Anime. Maybe I should summarize what the Anime is about before starting to talk about it. Charlotte is about a boy named Yu, who has the ability to control people for a short period of time, he is a normal high schooler at first, but after he meets Nao Tomori, he learns that a small percentage of boys and girls in puberty develop special abilities, and basically it’s about him dealing with this stuff now. It seems like a completely normal Anime at first, but oh my god, how they developed this story, it’s just the work of a Genius. Jun Maeda, you win the Like of the day. Yus Character is just brain mashing. The way he changes all the time, when he *SPOILER* lost his sister *SPOILER END* for example. This just shows how fast a person can lose sight of what’s right and wrong, and switch to the dark side without noticing. And the last episode is what was so well made, I couldn’t have thought of a better development or ending.
I didn’t get the feeling that the Anime is really unrealistic or illogical at any point, it was flawless, and I don’t get the feeling that many Animes are able to achieve that. To feel things that are not real so realistically is one of the best feelings you can experience while watching an Anime.
There is most likely going to be a second season of Charlotte in Winter 2016, and I am totally looking forward to it, let’s see what this Anime is going to bring us, and PLEASE, oh god, please don’t screw up the second season, that’s not too much to ask, right? But I’m sure it will turn out well, at least I’m optimistic about it.

Here are a few songs of Zhiend which I listened to while writing this:

Thanks for reading this unusual blog, blogs of these kind probably won’t have any structure, the main objective of this is to write down what’s on my mind, and I can tell you, my mind is chaotic as hell, so don’t wonder if I jump from one topic to another, like I did here. 😉

Thanks for reading!

~ Soso

Funniest Anime Characters

There are a lot of funny Characters, since there are a lot of Animes out there. And there are just a few Animes that are interesting, even though there isn’t the slightest trace of humor, so I will minimize this to the best of the best, since there are many funny Characters I like.

If you’ve read my blogs so far, you may have guessed that there is going to be a Character from Working in this list, and you’ve guessed right! Souma is, in my opinion, the funniest guy in Working, all of the Characters are quite amusing, but Souma is the BEST! I totally adore him, I like his nature, his comments, his sadistic, yet friendly Aura. He is just all the amusement you get in a Character, if you don’t know what I mean, I found some stuff on YouTube that might give you a better idea of the humorous Character Souma.

The next Character is probably Yato, from Noragami. There’s a link to a scene from Noragami, which I found highly amusing, in one of my past blogs, and I’m sure I’ll find more funny stuff. His attitude and way of thinking are probably what makes him so amusing. The Anime itself is pretty funny, but Yato is just the best, the reactions on Yato are pretty funny as well, but not as entertaining as Yato himself. Here are a few funny Moments, some of them are funny, some are not, but you will see what Yato is like. Just go, watch the Anime, and get the full experience, it’s worth it! But here are a few scenes, if you’re still anxious.

Natsu has to be on this list as well. He’s one of the Mains from Fairy Tail, and I just love him for so many reasons. What’s so funny about him is his simple way of thinking and the way he acts. His mind is full of fighting an food, and a bit of other stuff, and this combination never ends well, you will definitely agree if you’ve seen the Anime. I haven’t found anything really funny, but here is something I found so you sort of get an insight on one side of simple minded Natsu.

Those are my Top 3 for the Moment, I may add some Characters in another Blog, but this is it for now 🙂

Thanks for reading!


My recommendations for Anime-Newbies

This may be interesting for Veterans as well, so it’s not for Newbies only, these are just Animes which are a good introduction into the World of the large eyed People Animations. 😉

For starters, I would definitely recommend Fairy Tail. This isn’t just an assumption, that it will actually help you like and understand Anime, I can more or less approve first hand, since I had a period of time, probably half a year or more, when I stopped watching Anime, since I somehow lost interest. But then I stumbled upon Fairy Tail again. I’ve watched it before, but stopped watching it around Episode 100. When I stopped watching Anime in general, so then I just continued watching. Firstly, a wave of nostalgia overcame me, but not just that, I felt like I was embraced by this Anime again. I remember when I started watching Fairy Tail, I didn’t really like it at first, but I didn’t dislike it either, but the more I watched, the less I could stop watching it. This theme of friendship, Natsu and his unique and funny Character, you just feel invited to join this journey. Wait, so what is it actually about? This Anime takes place in a World where things such as magic exists, now this isn’t any crappy story about fairies and unicorns, it’s about Lucy, one of the mains, joining the Guild Fairy Tail. Natsu is a part of Fairy Tail as well, and actually got Lucy into the Guild. So basically the Anime is about the Guild, Friendship, and Problem solving. This isn’t an Anime with any major target audience, I’d say, it’s something for everyone if you don’t look at the Anime too critically, you have to let the Anime take you by your hand and lead you through the story.
One Piece is sort of similar concerning the feelings, but personally, I prefer Fairy Tail, but you’d probably prefer One Piece if you’re a boy, even though there are a lot of males that watch Fairy Tail, and I wouldn’t say that Fairy Tail is particularly girlish or anything. One Piece is just a bit… rougher, if that’s the right word to describe it.

Another good Anime to get started is Working. It’s ridiculously simple. One of the main Characters, Takanashi-kun, gets asked to work in a restaurant, he does, for his own reasons, and he works with a bunch of other people. What’s so good about it? All of the Characters are different and don’t lack in individuality. They all have their idiosyncracies, and it’s awfully amusing to watch how all of that plays out. Working is the Anime where I had to laugh out loud the most times, compared to other Animes, as I’ve already mentioned in another Blog, because it’s so funny, the Developers definitely succeeded in making the Anime amusing. It’s a nice and uplifting Anime which I would highly recommend in general, even if you’re not a Newbie.

If you’re a girl, or a boy who likes Romances, Kimi ni Todoke is a good starter. It’s about a girl named Sawako, and she has this gloomy and scary Aura around her, so everyone sort of keeps their distance. She doesn’t really understand what she does wrong, and she’s actually really kind, but she doesn’t really care either, because she never had friends before, and you can’t miss what you’ve never had before, right? And there’s this boy called Kazehaya, he’s really popular, and awfully nice, so he reaches out to Sawako, and I guess you can guess what this is evolving into. But it’s actually less chliché than you would think. I quite liked it, not as much as Ao Haru Ride or Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, but I enjoyed it.

I guess three Animes are okay for an introduction to Anime. You will get a vague picture about Anime if you watch these, I believe, they are standard, so don’t expect anything world moving out of them, I’ll make a Blog about these kind of Animes some day, so don’t worry.

Thanks for taking your time reading this!

Top Anime Soundtracks

Now these aren’t sorted in any order, they’re just soundtracks from Animes I’ve watched and that I think are really awesome. I actually have to split this in two parts, because I have a lot of Anime Soundtracks I love and desire to share.

The first one I have in mind would be Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul. It’s so epic, you have to listen to it a few times, especially the full Version is awesome. I sort of like the voice, I think the theme of it is very fitting as well, since it resembles Tokyo Ghoul. Every time it gets to the lyrics, I get goose bumps, Unravel never loses it’s appeal. This song is the Opening of the first Season of Tokyo Ghoul, and the Opening was so amazing, it may even be one of the most epic Openings I know. The trailer of the second Season was very disappointing, so there’s a great contrast between these two openings. I don’t know how the producers made one of the best openings ever, and then screw up so badly with the second one. The Piano Version is so epic too, I swear to god, if I could play the piano like that, I would be the most awesome person in the world. Guess I have a long way to go… But Animenz achieved this goal, an amazing channel for Piano Covers for Anime songs, I totally recommend him, so check him out.

Here’s the Original Song:
The Piano Version (from Animenz by the way):

I guess the next one would be My Dearest from Guilty Crown. Euterpe is really nice too, but I’ll just take one soundtrack out of every Anime, because if I won’t, then this will go on forever. Euterpe is more of a lullaby, if you think about it, but a really beautiful one. Krone is so marvellous! It’s a masterpiece, listen into it. Okay, let’s get back to My Dearest. This is an Opening again, which is well made, but what I like most about this song is the power it emits. If you would be running while listening to this, you’d really get pumped up, especially when it gets to the core of the song. If you feel down, it’s very soothing and sort of builds you up. This one never gets old as well, I’ve watched the anime quite a long while ago, and I still like to listen to the song.
I actually prefer the shorter Version, because I feel like the song just goes on and on it the full one. The Piano Version is just crazy, I’ll put up all the Piano Versions, if I think they’re nice.

Original Song:
Piano Version:

Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Requiem. I like how it’s sort of mysterious sounding, but still so beautiful. It has a sense of sadness, the piano adds greatly to the sadness, especially at the solo, but then again, it is very beautiful. So this is sort of a cycle of beauty and sadness, which is a very nice combination. Also, this song is very emotional, it sort of makes me think. It may not be very encouraging as My Dearest, but I’d listen to it while riding the bus or something like that. The Opening of Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Choir Jail, is sort of cool as well. Even though you have to listen to it a few times before you like it. Bwaah, I should stop talking about other songs while talking about another one! I just can’t keep the rules I decided on, can’t I?
Back on topic, the Piano version is sort of monotone, it gets cool at one part, but the rest repeats itself uncountable times, so it’s very repetitive.

Original Song:

Here with you, from Mirai Nikki is very touching as well. This one is instrumental, and very emotional. I don’t know how it sounds to someone who hasn’t seen Mirai Nikki, since I only listened to it afterwards, but I sort of connect a lot of emotions with this song.  Yuno, Yukki, the awfully sad ending… Especially the ending, I was very shocked, so endlessly touched and sad. I saw this Anime two times, and I teared up twice. I must say, I shed tears now and then at emotional moments in Animes, but they are silent tears. I never hat to actually cry while watching any Anime, and I have to admit, I almost did in Mirai Nikki, and Here with you captures these feelings very well.

Original Song:

This Game, No Game No Life, now the Anime itself is already deadly, but the Opening song is really powerful as well. I actually prefer the Piano Version, I think it sounds more authentic, but the Original one is very cool as well. This one is sort of like My Dearest when it comes to power emitting, but in a different way, this one is pure enthusiasm. You feel like you are about to burst when you listen to this. You can’t help but to hum along, at least I always do. Don’t judge me.

Original Song:
Piano Version:

Okay, sorry, I don’t want to bore you, so this one is the last one! Ao Haru Ride, I will. This one is very nice, I like the tune, the melody and the theme of this song. I think it’s very beautiful and overwhelming with emotions. I’m actually listening to it while writing this right now, and it’s very distracting, but not in a bad way. It just thrills me, as it’s packed with feelings from the Anime, as in Here with you. It’s a very neatly done Anime, finally a non cliché Romance School-Life Anime, which are not easy to find these days. Sadly.
I don’t particularly like the Piano Version, since it just sounds as the Original, just with less instruments and without the singing, so I think it’s sort of dull and lacks of individuality.

Original Song:

Thanks for taking your time and reading this!

You probably didn’t even make it to this point, as it seems I’ve written 1030 words so far, so I can’t really blame you, but if you made it through, I like you. *thumbs up*
Maybe this much is enough, I probably won’t do a second Part of this, but if you want to, I gladly will! Just leave a Comment and I’ll do it.


Upcoming Animes Fall 2015

I know I should’ve done this chronologically, but I guess I didn’t because… don’t ask me why. However, these are the upcoming Animes this Fall which I am looking forward to!

So, firstly, Noragami Aragoto, that’s the name of the sequel of Noragami. I don’t know where to start talking about Noragami, guess I’ll start with Yuto. I did’t like his look at all in the beginning. This Tracksuit style is just… nah. At least he had a… Bandana? around his neck, or some sort of cloth, but oh my god, his eyes are so cool. When he has this ‘I am going to kill you’ glance in his eyes, I could squeak like a fangirl. Actually, I love it so much when Characters in general have this glance, I immediately fall in love. And his Character in general is so cool, I love him. Hiyori is alright, I like her tail when she leaves her body :3 Her Character is okay, she looks acceptable too, so I have nothing to complain about. Yukine is something different… I liked him at first, then hated him when he got all ‘ooh I’m the poorest guy in the world’ I mean, I understood his feelings and stuff, but still… It was sort of pathetic. However, then when he got normal again, I liked him, and I liked the fact that the producers made him go all ‘I’m sooo poor!’, because it added a sense of reality, if you know what I mean, so yeah.

I had this moment where I had to laugh so hard, I had to press pause because of it. And I rarely laugh out loud when I watch Anime, the Anime where I had to laugh out loud the most is probably Working… But let’s talk about that another time 🙂

Here it is, found it on YouTube xD That might spoiler a little bit, but I don’t think you’ll ruin the Anime for you if you’ve seen that, it’s even funnier when you’ve seen the Anime, so go ahead and watch it!

Secondly we have Owari no Seraph! Well it’s actually the second Season that’s coming out. I like the Anime, it’s sort of cool, but I wouldn’t go crazy for it. I think the concept is pretty cool, actually I’m not that into Vampire Animes, but this is alright. Yuu is okay, but I like Mikaela more. Shinori is the best ;). But Guren tops them all! Team Guren! 😀

Moving on to Shinmai Maou no Testament, or Testament for short. Actually, this Season, the second Season, will be called Shinmai Maou no Testament: Burst, and what I really appreciated, was that it said in the end of the last episode of the first Season when the next Season is going to come out. More Animes should do that, that saves a lot of time googling if and when the next Season will come out. The Non-Censored Version is pretty… well, perverted to say the least, but the censored one is okay. I like Basara, well sort of like him, his name just sounds weird. I’m looking forward to it anyway.

K: Return of Kings. I found the Anime while doing my research, and saw the preview of the second Season, it was so awesome, that I went ahead and watched the first Season of K, and I am really enthusiastic about this one. It is a very original Idea, nice Art Style, and the Story Line is exciting as well. Shiros Character is very cool, and especially unique after he… let’s say remembered some important stuff. I like this Anime very much so far, I don’t love it, but I really like it, so watch the Preview. If you’ve never heard of K, then this might move you to watch the first season as it did with me.

(Shiro looks so badass, even though he fights with an umbrella)

Okay, so next up we have an Anime which I do not know, meaning that it’s not a sequel. Gakusen Toshi Asteriks. Well, the first thing I had in mind when I heard that name, was this guy:


But, it isn’t anything near Comics taking place in Ancient Roman times, it’s actually an Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Harem and Supernatural Anime (a lot of Genres here o.O) taking place in the Acadamy City on Water, Rikka, also known as Asteriks, which is a stage for battle entertainment, or also called the ‘Star Wars Festival’. When I hear that, I think about this:


But, again, this isn’t what it actually is. I hope. It’s just the name for the batteling, as far as I understand. Long story short, the Main Character Amagiri Ayato comes to this Acadamy. If you want to see the trailer, here, go ahead, just scroll down a little bit.

Next we have Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai, this one isn’t a sequel either. So this one goes under the Genres Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Harem and Supernatural. It’s about a platoon called The 35th Test Platoon of Antimagic Acadamy. Well, now you’re thinking ‘What the heck is the Antimagic Acadamy?’ So, Soso rushes to your aid, and answers this question! It’s an Academy raising witch hunters, whose job it is to exterminate magical threats. Guess the Antimagical part explains itself by itself now. So this 35th Test Platoon of Antimagic Acadamy has a nickname, the Small Fry Platoon. Why, you ask? Because they are a bunch of self-centred people, which is a small problem for teamwork, don’t you think? And not just that, they have personality problems as well. So basically it’s about this loser platoon trying to become better. Sounds kind of interesting, doesn’t it?

Here’s the Preview for you! It’s sort of short, but the other one is in Japanese, and I doubt that you’ll get any smarter from that… So here’s the shorter one! But at least its not in Japanese….

Thanks for taking your time reading this, I hope you’ve gotten any smarter from this.


Upcoming Anime Sequels Winter 2015

I must say I am very picky, concerning everything so it may not be much, but at least it’s good stuff. In my opinion, you don’t have to agree with me.

Okay, so, first off is the third season of Tokyo Ghoul. Okay, I must say I only found that out now, and I am really ashamed, because I’m a HUGE fan of Tokyo Ghoul. Gosh, Tokyo Ghoul is AMAZING! However, I’m a little bit irritated, because said it’ll come out by Summer 2015, which did NOT happen as it seems, and stated, that it’ll be Winter 2015. But because Top Anime Weekly (a Youtube Channel, which I highly recommend) seems to agree with, and is usually pretty dependable, I must admit, so I will just assume that it WILL be Winter 2015. And the fact that it didn’t come out by Summer 2015 seems to support my point as well… HOWEVER, rumor has it that Kaneki, the main Character, will become the amnesiac CCG investigator named Haise Sasaki… Wait… Hold on. CCG investigator? SPOILER After being a member of Aogiri tree? SPOILER END That’s awfully controversial, and that’s why it sounds really interesting. I just hope that it won’t screw up with some awful drama shit, and I must say, I liked the end of Tokyo Ghoul, it was a… dramatic ending, to say the least, but a good one to wave your goodbyes to this wonderful anime. One of my favorite Animes, not to mention. But it will be COMPLETELY written by Ishida Sui! The Manga Creator of Tokyo Ghoul, so I don’t think I have to worry about any horrible endings. Well, I wouldn’t know, because I don’t read any Mangas, I’m purely Anime blooded, so I can’t tell, but I CAN tell, that he did an awesome job so far. Thumbs up, Ishida Sui!

Moving on, we have Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, or Assasination Classroom, which I will call AssClass for short (yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh) I really enjoyed the first season, I love AssClass in every way, the music is cool, I love the Art style, and the plot is amazing, but what I love the most about it, is that it’s a very unique anime, I mean, when do you see an Alien teacher with students that try to kill that awesome teacher? I must say I really want a Koro Sensei Hoodie, but it’s sort of expensive… Back on topic, the thing I question myself is, if they will be able to kill Koro Sensei before graduation, because you know what’ll happen if they won’t… And what if they won’t be able to do that? Will Koro Sensei change his mind and won’t destroy his beloved students along with the rest of the world? To be honest, I don’t like either of the endings, the first one would make me sad, because… Koro Sensei! (Yes, that’s explanation enough) And the second one is just… so cliché.

Next up is Kamisama Kiss! Okay, to tell the truth, I actually despise Kamisama Kiss, the only reason why I continued watching is Tomoe. Okay, I don’t despise the anime, it’s actually Nanami and the two little… things with masks, which are annoying as hell. Mizuki is awesome, Akura-ou is gettin’ interesting, but Nanami? Her Character is just so…. ugh. The story line is sort of… boring, but Tomoe spices things up. I just love his Character, this aura of mystery which surrounds him, at least in the beginning, and his awesome ears and tail! Okay, let’s move on before I start drooling…

Death Parade. Death Parade is a marvelous anime, Even though Decim’s face looks like a horse’s, he’s so cool. I don’t want to spoiler any major things, but the end was really amazing, and an ending where I wouldn’t expect another season. But here it is! Announced for Winter 2015. I can’t wait to see Quinn Decim again and all of the cool Characters, and I can’t help but wonder what Season 2 will be about. Maybe a plastic surgery where Decim gets a proper face?

Soooo that’s pretty much it 🙂

I hope you liked it, and if you haven’t seen any of these Animes, go ahead and watch them, I really recommend them!

Thanks for taking your time reading this.
