My recommendations for Anime-Newbies

This may be interesting for Veterans as well, so it’s not for Newbies only, these are just Animes which are a good introduction into the World of the large eyed People Animations. 😉

For starters, I would definitely recommend Fairy Tail. This isn’t just an assumption, that it will actually help you like and understand Anime, I can more or less approve first hand, since I had a period of time, probably half a year or more, when I stopped watching Anime, since I somehow lost interest. But then I stumbled upon Fairy Tail again. I’ve watched it before, but stopped watching it around Episode 100. When I stopped watching Anime in general, so then I just continued watching. Firstly, a wave of nostalgia overcame me, but not just that, I felt like I was embraced by this Anime again. I remember when I started watching Fairy Tail, I didn’t really like it at first, but I didn’t dislike it either, but the more I watched, the less I could stop watching it. This theme of friendship, Natsu and his unique and funny Character, you just feel invited to join this journey. Wait, so what is it actually about? This Anime takes place in a World where things such as magic exists, now this isn’t any crappy story about fairies and unicorns, it’s about Lucy, one of the mains, joining the Guild Fairy Tail. Natsu is a part of Fairy Tail as well, and actually got Lucy into the Guild. So basically the Anime is about the Guild, Friendship, and Problem solving. This isn’t an Anime with any major target audience, I’d say, it’s something for everyone if you don’t look at the Anime too critically, you have to let the Anime take you by your hand and lead you through the story.
One Piece is sort of similar concerning the feelings, but personally, I prefer Fairy Tail, but you’d probably prefer One Piece if you’re a boy, even though there are a lot of males that watch Fairy Tail, and I wouldn’t say that Fairy Tail is particularly girlish or anything. One Piece is just a bit… rougher, if that’s the right word to describe it.

Another good Anime to get started is Working. It’s ridiculously simple. One of the main Characters, Takanashi-kun, gets asked to work in a restaurant, he does, for his own reasons, and he works with a bunch of other people. What’s so good about it? All of the Characters are different and don’t lack in individuality. They all have their idiosyncracies, and it’s awfully amusing to watch how all of that plays out. Working is the Anime where I had to laugh out loud the most times, compared to other Animes, as I’ve already mentioned in another Blog, because it’s so funny, the Developers definitely succeeded in making the Anime amusing. It’s a nice and uplifting Anime which I would highly recommend in general, even if you’re not a Newbie.

If you’re a girl, or a boy who likes Romances, Kimi ni Todoke is a good starter. It’s about a girl named Sawako, and she has this gloomy and scary Aura around her, so everyone sort of keeps their distance. She doesn’t really understand what she does wrong, and she’s actually really kind, but she doesn’t really care either, because she never had friends before, and you can’t miss what you’ve never had before, right? And there’s this boy called Kazehaya, he’s really popular, and awfully nice, so he reaches out to Sawako, and I guess you can guess what this is evolving into. But it’s actually less chliché than you would think. I quite liked it, not as much as Ao Haru Ride or Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, but I enjoyed it.

I guess three Animes are okay for an introduction to Anime. You will get a vague picture about Anime if you watch these, I believe, they are standard, so don’t expect anything world moving out of them, I’ll make a Blog about these kind of Animes some day, so don’t worry.

Thanks for taking your time reading this!

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